Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

i love u all

there's so many reason that i can't tell
there's so many word that i can't write

i just can look at u
i just..

i always shout to my self
i always..

because there's so many secret..
secret that must be a secret...

nobody knows..

just God and me..
and sometime it will figure out..

u will see who really am i..
who really people beside u..
who really people cares about u..

and someday we'll meet again in the light..
someday that God chosen for u, me, and all of us..

i don't even think of that day
but whenever that day, i just wanna forgive for everything..
for all my mistake..

i don't even need anything,,
even maybe i never give anything
i just wanna say : ' I LOVE U ALL'